Washington State House Democrats


House budget chair Rep. Timm Ormsby’s statement regarding Gov. Inslee’s operating budget proposal

OLYMPIA – Rep. Timm Ormsby (D-Spokane), chair of the House Appropriations Committee, released the following statement regarding Governor Inslee’s operating budget proposal:

“Thank you to Governor Inslee for providing the Legislature with this proposal, which has a number of recommendations that build upon our work last year, particularly Democratic priorities of economic recovery, providing basic needs for families who are struggling, and keeping a focus on equitable access to state services.

“I am glad to see that the priorities laid out in the Washington Recovery Budget are maintained, including broad workforce investments, particularly in the behavioral health and health care sectors, so frontline workers are there to take care of those in need.

“The impacts of COVID-19 and recovery have not been spread evenly and this year’s supplemental budget needs to be inclusive of all communities who are struggling. The governor’s proposal lays a foundation for us to remain fiscally sound but focused on tackling the problems of today.

“The governor is keeping his focus on helping the people of Washington state stay safe and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and we appreciate his proposals for ensuring public health is funded and struggling families have access to housing, food, and heating programs that keep them from homelessness. Having exposed systemic issues that have held back Washington families from succeeding, now is the time for Democrats to build a brighter future by investing in the workers, small businesses, families, and individuals who make our state a wonderful place to live.

“House Democrats will pass a supplemental budget this year that keeps the people of Washington state first. We look forward to working with our fellow legislators and the governor to pass that budget.”
