Final Legislative Update of 2015

Final Legislative Update of 2015

Riccelli Spokane

With the holidays right around the corner, I wanted to send a final note thanking all of you who reached out to my office in the past year. It’s been an exciting year, with over $1.3 billion in new education funding in our annual budget, funding for the completion of the North Spokane Corridor, and the authorization for a Washington State University medical school in Spokane. While there’s more to do, we should be proud of the progress we’ve made.

Welcome to my new legislative assistant


Many of you have contacted my office over the past few years and have spoken with my legislative assistant, Michaela Williams. Michaela has been a most valued part of my team and I have appreciated all she has done for me and for the 3rd legislative district. Michaela has moved on and I want to thank her for all of her hard work of which I am deeply appreciative.

Marcus & Michaela

Rep. Riccelli and Michaela Williams on the Floor of the House of Representatives

Maureen Haeger has taken over as my new legislative assistant. I’m excited to be working with her. Maureen grew up in Spokane and graduated from North Central High School. She studied philosophy and political science at EWU, and worked as an intern for Senator Billig last session. Maureen can be contacted via email at Welcome aboard Maureen!

Celebrating local community improvements


Recently, we celebrated capital budget funding for an elevator at the Corbin Senior Center, important funding to improve accessibility for a senior community. Tomorrow, we’ll be celebrating funding for the Woman’s Club to refurbish this beautiful, 105 year old venue. Our capital budget was good to Spokane and will also provide jobs in Spokane. These projects are just a drop in the bucket when you look at what we’re spending in the state budgets. But they make a real difference in the lives of thousands in our community.

Spokane Women's Center

The Upcoming Session


The 2016 legislative session begins January 11. As we continue to tackle the challenges of fully funding basic education, I’ll be working hard to make sure we continue to move forward on keeping our families healthy and safe. As always, it is an honor to serve you.

Best Regards,

Marcus Riccelli

Representative Marcus Riccelli
3rd Legislative District – Spokane