Op-ed by Rep. Riccelli in the Spokesman Review: House efforts would expand access to dental care, training

dental examPrior to beginning my first session as a state legislator, I met with a group of concerned citizens in Spokane’s lower South Hill. We discussed a number of social and economic justice issues, among them the lack of access to affordable dental care. That was where I first heard Aaron Robert Kathman talk about his bouts in the emergency room because he could not afford dental care. He implored me to do something about it.

Since then, I have served on the House Health Care Committee, including three years as vice chair. What repeatedly came up in this committee, and what I’ve consistently heard from constituents in Spokane and across our state, is the need for more affordable, accessible, quality dental care.

Good overall health begins with good oral health. As a state, we need to do a better job in this regard.


To read the rest of this op-ed piece on the Spokesman Review website, click here.

To read my April 14 e-newsletter focusing on highlights of the House Democrats’ transportation and capital budgets – including expansion of dental access –  click here.