Associated Press
Workers still cautious as post-shutdown government reopens
Washington baker apologizes for ‘Build that Wall’ cookie
Washington state attorney general sues LuLaRoe clothing, accusing company of pyramid scheme
Bellingham Herald (subscription required)
Officials: 34 measles cases in Washington outbreak
Vancouver mom concerned about state of mental health care
Clark County measles outbreak: ‘It’s totally preventable’
In Our View: Don’t be complacent about state, U.S. economy
Scott and Sanford: Washington opioid crisis requires collective impact
The Daily News
Capitol Dispatch: Lawmakers pursue campaign, lobbying, timber bills (Blake)
State approves cleanup plan for old Reynolds Metals site
Everett Herald (subscription required)
Proposed concrete recycling plant clears largest hurdle
Shifting boundaries: Everett unveils draft high school lines
Editorial: McCoy bill would aid voting rights of Indians (McCoy)
Kitsap Sun (subscription required)
South Kitsap students protest district’s handling of campus stabbing
Transfer of Theler trails to state moves ahead
Car tab fees to jump by $10 on Bainbridge Island
Murray pledges help for military parents in visit to Bangor daycare
News Tribune (subscription required)
Former Weyerhaeuser campus gets new name; open house to show future plans
New York Times
Washington State Weighs New Option After Death: Human Composting (Pedersen)
U.S. and Taliban Agree in Principle to Peace Framework, Envoy Says
As Government Reopens, the New Congress Tries to Begin Again
Your 2019 Tax Refund Might Be Higher, Lower or Later Than Usual
All Red or All Blue, State Legislatures Run to Partisan Sides
Why a Border Wall Could Mean Trouble for Wildlife
As Climate Warms, Plants Will Absorb Less CO₂, Study Finds
Global Warming Concerns Rise Among Americans in New Poll
Shutdown Cost U.S. Economy $11 Billion, C.B.O. Says
Olympian (subscription required)
Thurston County Sheriff’s Office warns public about scam
State launches improved online reservation system for its parks
17 fisherman assisted at sea by Coast Guard members working without pay
Peninsula Daily News
State bill would raise legal age for buying tobacco (Van De Wege, Tharinger, Chapman)
Measles cases grow in state — none on Peninsula so far
Bill aims to make opioid overdose medication easier to access for schools (Pollet)
Lawmakers seek revisions to wrongful death and injury statutes (Santos)
Rural investment, timber tax cuts focus of proposed law (Palumbo, Van De Wege)
Puget Sound Business Journal
Another side of #MeToo: Male managers fearful of mentoring women
Your 2019 tax refund might be higher, lower or later than usual
Seattle Times (subscription required)
Car-tab fees, new transportation package on Washington state lawmakers’ agenda (Fey, Hobbs, Carlyle, Pedersen, Fitzgibbon)
With only two mobile-home parks left, Seattle may try to block redevelopment
The News Tribune: Complaint accuses Pierce County medical examiner of mismanaging death investigations involving children
How a crumbling dam in the Enchantments could change our understanding of the PNW wilderness
Nearly 1,000 people hit the streets to help count King County’s homeless population
Issaquah school unions reach deal to avoid strike
DNA from 2014 Seattle sexual assault matched to man already serving time for rape
King County Council to consider 6-month moratorium on major fossil-fuel facilities Monday
Editorial: Legislature should limit vaccine exemptions
Opinion: Here’s why Washington must fully fund special education
Editorial: What’s happening: Key players and legislation (Wellman, Fitzgibbon)
Editorial: Heard in Olympia: Gun debate heats up
Opinion: The Puget Sound region urgently needs housing density in all urban communities
Spokesman Review
Spokane-area hospitals post prices online under federal directive criticized as imperfect
Spokane health district urges vaccinations as Washington measles cases rise to 34
Getting There: Washington state gets a C on infrastructure from civil engineers group
The week that was: Ferguson sidesteps question on running for governor; state of Liberty gets another try (Gregerson)
Opinion: Washington already leads in education innovation
Tri-City Herald
Fake fish invented in Richland will help save real fish worldwide
Walla Walla Union Bulletin (subscription required)
Editorial: Deceptive lobbying can’t be allowed to keep medicine prices expensive
Editorial: Socioeconomic factors should be considered in athletics
Officials: 34 measles cases in Washington outbreak
Mount Rainier National Park reopening after shutdown
Washington state AG sues LuLaRoe clothing company
Washington Post
‘It feels like we are still hostages’: Federal contractors who lost health insurance during shutdown remain in limbo
Trump will secure border ‘with or without Congress,’ Mulvaney says
U.S. inches closer to deal with Taliban that could lead to American troop pullout; Afghan president calls for direct talks with insurgents
The Energy 202: Bill Gates is selling Washington on the promise of nuclear power
As the shutdown draws to a close, thousands of disabled federal contract workers are still in limbo
The furlough is terrible for workers — even when they are back on the job
West Seattle Herald
Dow Constantine wants to do it right: King county executive discusses light rail, SR 99 and “Seattle Squeeze”
Yakima Herald Republic
Mosbrucker bill aims to speed up responses to missing indigenous women reports
Relief reverberates throughout Yakima Valley, Washington state as government shutdown ends
Editorial: Don’t lift the levy cap on school funding
Washington hair stylists worried about proposed tax legislation (Keiser)
Bethel schools could turn to drastic schedule changes if bond fails
Date set to begin removing Seattle’s Alaskan Way Viaduct
Harvard researcher: Washington measles outbreak a ‘serious concern’
Washington State Parks launches improved online reservation system
Study: Washington is the hardest state in the nation to pass your driving test
Health officials warn of misinformation about measles spreading online
Mount Rainier National Park reopening after shutdown
Drivers, commuters prepare for week 3 of the Seattle Squeeze
Despite agreement, government shutdown effects still rippling through Indian Country
New code of conduct to shift how Legislature deals with sexual harassment (Macri)
Northwest officials, companies scramble to help thousands of federal workers impacted by shutdown
Washington Legislators Consider Statewide Native American Voting Rights Act (McCoy, Lekanoff)
This week the partial government shutdown ends — for now
Government blood donations in Seattle are down a third because of shutdown
If this bill passes, low-income families in Washington state could get a sales tax refund (Entenman)
KXLY (Spokane)
Spokane representative works to expand access to fruits and vegetables (Riccelli, Wilson)
NW Public Radio
New Code of Conduct to shift how Washington legislature deals with sexual harassment (Macri)
Colombia River salmon face another (previously underestimated) threat: gulls
Q13 TV (Fox)
Back to work: Washington state national parks partially reopen following shutdown
The Divide: Making mistakes (Pedersen, Keiser)
Opinion: Tim Eyman’s latest initiative would undo local transportation choices
What WA’s prison past tells us about mass incarceration today
Seattle P.I.
Mount Rainier will reopen, slowly, following end of shutdown