Rep. April Berg with seatmate, former State Rep. and current State Sen. John Lovick
Speaker Laurie Jinkins
44th LD Members hold a coffee chat with consitutents at the Mill Creek YMCA. Mill Creek, WA, April 1, 2002.
Rep. April Berg and Rep. Noel Frame
Rep. Brandy Donaghy and Rep. Alex Ramel
Speaker Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma) and Former Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore, now State Senator, John Lovick (D-Mill Creek)
Rep. Alicia Rule
Rep. Kirsten Harris-Talley and Rep. Jessica Bateman
Rep. Dan Bronoske serving as Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore
Rep. Alex Ramel
Rep. Tana Senn and Rep. Mari Leavitt
44th LD Members hold a coffee chat with consitutents at the Mill Creek YMCA. Mill Creek, WA, April 1, 2002.
Rep. David Hackney and Rep. Steve Tharinger
Rep. Debra Lekanoff and former Sen. John McCoy
All members were required to check in to a screening station where they attested they were not exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and had their temperature taken before entering the House chambers.
Rep. Monica Stonier
Members of the LBC – Sen. Lovick and Reps. Entenman, Harris-Talley, Taylor, Berg, and Donaghy, March 10, 2022.
Rep. Roger Goodman showing his badge to a security officer prior to entering the legislative building while Rep. Sharon Wylie arrives to check in