Session wrap-up: environmental action, gun safety, and Trans rights

Dear friends and neighbors, 

It’s hard to believe we’ve finished the 2023 legislative session! I want to take a moment to thank you for your engagement and advocacy. Your input and feedback have been invaluable in shaping the policies that will impact our communities for years to come. 

Here’s an update on some recent legislative developments from the last few weeks: 

This session, I was honored to have been appointed by my colleagues to chair the House Environment and Energy committee. I invested considerable time and effort to understand the variety of opinions stakeholders  have on the subject matters under consideration by this committee, and have worked diligently across the aisle to listen to environmental concerns from across the state and find bipartisan solutions. We can’t solve environmental issues and build a clean energy future without working together.

I am excited to share with you some updates on my own bills and initiatives from this session. While we celebrate the successes we have achieved, we must also acknowledge that there is still much work to be done. I am committed to continuing to fight for our shared values throughout the remainder of this biennium and beyond.

All these bills are headed to the governor’s desk to be signed into law:

gov signing

With more and more counties expanding their boards of county commissioners from three to five members, it is crucial that we update the timeline for adopting new commissioner districts. House Bill 1049 updates the timeline to ensure that there is enough time for commissioners to create new districts, and if they fail to do so, for a referee to designate the districts. By aligning the timelines for both county and port commissions, we can ensure a smooth and fair redistricting process for voters.

House Bill 1122 grants Washington Management Service (WMS) employees the right to collective bargaining, expanding workers’ rights to negotiate their wages and working conditions. This helps promote fairness and equity in the workplace and improves the quality of life for these employees.

House Bill 1175 creates a program to help pay for cleanup costs and damages caused by petroleum underground storage tanks. The program will be run by the Pollution Liability Insurance Agency and will provide financial help to tank owners who register their tanks with the agency. Funding for the program will come from an increase in the Petroleum Products Tax, which is a tax on certain petroleum products sold in Washington—this will help protect our environment and ensure that tank owners are held accountable for any damages caused by their tanks.

House Bill 1777 authorizes state agencies and school districts to enter into performance-based contracts for energy equipment and services which will help reduce energy consumption, cost, and greenhouse gas emissions. This will provide public entities with access to financing mechanisms and energy conservation projects, and it will help promote a sustainable and energy-efficient future for our state.

House Bill 1416 extends the Clean Energy Transformation Act’s affected market customer (large energy users) provisions to cover customers of not only investor-owned utilities, but also customers of consumer-owned utilities. This is an important step towards ensuring that clean electricity is used even if large industrial customers look to out-of-state suppliers for their electricity. By closing this loophole, we are promoting the use of renewable energy sources and working towards a more sustainable future for our state.

House Bill 1762 is a critical step towards protecting the workers who power the growth and expansion of e-commerce in Washington. Large distribution warehouses are among the most dangerous work environments, with workers experiencing work-related injury and illness at a rate more than three times higher than other industries. This bill ensures that employers provide transparency and protection, while also promoting fair labor practices.

Taking action for safer communities: Gun safety measures

We are making amazing progress in the fight for gun responsibility. This has been a long-time passion of mine: it pains me deeply to witness the intergenerational anxiety caused by gun violence in schools, and the resulting trauma experienced by our children, families, and communities.

House Bill 1240House Bill 1143, and Senate Bill 5078 are critical steps toward achieving comprehensive gun responsibility. These bills ban assault weapons, mandate firearm safety training and a 10-day waiting period and ensure that firearm industry members are held accountable for responsible sale, distribution, and marketing of their products. Together, they represent a significant effort towards ensuring the safety of our communities and preventing the devastating impact of gun violence on our families and loved ones.

Thank you to the Trans community


I am incredibly proud of my community for organizing such a powerful and beautiful trans rally at the capital. It was inspiring to see so many people come together to show their support for our transgender siblings, and to demand greater protections and equality.  I am proud to be a part of the House Democratic caucus that took a break in floor action so members could attend the rally – and so many of us did.

This year, we’ve passed Senate Bill 5599, ensuring shelter for youth seeking gender-affirming care and reproductive services in Washington. While other states around the country are passing laws that ban access to gender affirming care, Washington State is saying we value and celebrate all young people, especially those in the toughest moments of their lives.

Events like this rally are so important because they give voice to those who are often silenced. The transgender community faces tremendous challenges, including discrimination, violence, and inadequate healthcare, and events like this rally bring attention to these issues and help to build momentum for change.

I am honored to represent a community that is so passionate and committed to fighting for justice and equality for all. Together, we can continue to push for a world where all people are valued and respected, regardless of their gender identity or expression.

We have passed a number of bills this session that will improve the lives of Washingtonians and make our communities safer, greener, and more equitable.

Keep an eye out for an e-newsletter that will cover the final step in session – the budgets   As we move forward, I encourage you to stay involved, stay informed, and continue advocating for the issues that matter to you. Stay tuned for information about opportunities to connect over the interim. I look forward to working together towards a brighter future for our state.


Rep. Beth Doglio