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VIDEO: End of session recap

Hello friends –

We have just wrapped up the 2019 legislative session! After 105 days in Olympia, we finished a budget writing session on time for the first time in 10 years. Now, I’m back at home spending time with my family, returning to my job in the Evergreen School District, and caring for my garden.

I’m proud of the work that we were able to accomplish this year and we saw some impressive wins for Southwest Washington. Click the video here or the thumbnail below to watch my end of session wrap up.

Click on this image to watch my end of session recap video.

Even though I’m a part-time legislator, my office is still open. Please call 360-690-4700 or email me at to let me know if you have any thoughts or concerns you want to share with my office.

To schedule an appointment, please email my legislative assistant at

Thank you for your advocacy this year, for your feedback, and for following my work. I always appreciate your input, this is what democracy looks like!


