The first week of full-time floor action in Olympia has arrived! This means we have a lot of late nights ahead of us as we debate and vote on bills that: protect our reproductive rights, make housing more affordable, protect tenants, foster jobs that allow working people to support their families, preserve our environment, improve our education system, and center equity. When viewed in that light, I couldn’t think of better reasons to lose some sleep!
Passing progressive legislation is not the only way I’m moving our legislature forward. This institution is designed to move slowly, and that’s the opposite of what happens in tech. Last week I brought Spot, the Boston Dynamics robot dog, to Olympia as part of giving a tech talk about the future of robots, ChatGPT, and the Dall-E. Tech is touching every aspect of our lives and our legislature needs to have a basic understanding of these topics to ensure they open doors for everyone and are not used to limit our rights. I recently spoke to the Puget Sound Business Journal about my job at Microsoft and how I can bring my tech experience to bear in Olympia. You can read that article here.
Please read on for more information about a couple bills I am working on, as well as information about the 37th District’s town hall on March 18th.
My Health, My Data Act: protecting privacy of reproductive healthcare data
As someone who works in the tech sector, I want to use my experience and knowledge to improve and perfect bills related to technology. One of the first bills that I co-sponsored when I got to Olympia was House Bill 1155, the My Health, My Data Act. This bill is a first in the nation effort to protect sensitive health care data. With the Supreme Courts Dobbs ruling, it is more important than ever that websites, apps, and other non-HIPPA covered entities are accountable for our privacy when they collect, share, and sell our personal health information and reproductive health data. Most consumers assume their sensitive health care data on apps, websites, and searches is covered by the same protections provided under HIPAA as when you see a healthcare provider–but that is not the case.
The My Health, My Data Act will close the gap on health data privacy protections that are not afforded by HIPAA to protect individuals’ rights by prohibiting the sale of Washingtonian’s health information and requiring companies to implement stricter privacy standards for consumer health data. This is especially important as there is an increased risk of harm to people who do not have data privacy protection for their reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare data.
The My Health, My Data Act passed the House on Saturday, March 4th and is now heading to the Senate for consideration. You can read more about this meaningful legislation in articles in GeekWire and The Register.
Video Update: Estate tax and officiating weddings
Please watch my latest video update to learn about my bill to raise taxes on the inheritance of multi-millionaires as well as the first bill I passed off of the House floor. HB 1657 passed on Valentine’s Day and allows federal judges to perform marriages.
Save the date: 37th District Town Hall
Join us on Saturday, March 18th for an in-person Town Hall with your 37th District delegation.
What: 37th District In-Person Town Hall
Who: Sen. Rebecca Saldaña and Reps. Sharon Tomiko Santos and Chipalo Street
When: Saturday, March 18th from 10:30 AM- 11:30 AM
Where: El Centro De La Raza, Centilia Cultural Center, 1660 S Roberto Maestas Festival St., Seattle, WA 98144
Thank you for reading my e-newsletter. Hearing from you helps me represent you better. I hope you will share your thoughts, ideas, and opinions with me.
Chipalo Street
State Representative
37th District