Washington State House Democrats


Education, Jobs & Clean Energy: 2017 Legislative Preview

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I would like to start by thanking you for the honor of serving as your representative for a third term. We are almost two weeks into session, and I am more proud than ever to be representing you and our district in Olympia.

My colleagues, again, chose me for the role of House Majority Floor Leader. In this job, I will work to ensure that the voices of all people are heard on the House floor. I’ll continue to serve as vice chair of the Technology and Economic Development Committee and on the Higher EducationTransportation and Rules Committees. I have been on these committees since my election in 2012 and am proud to be able to continue my policy work in these areas.

I wanted to take a moment to share some of my legislative work during the coming weeks.

Education and Jobs

I will continue to support our efforts to fully fund public education in Washington state. We must work together to explore a fairer and more stable tax structure in order to fund what we value: high-quality schools that provide opportunities to students from kindergarten through high school graduation.

The upcoming ‘levy cliff’ poses an immediate threat to the budgetary planning capacity of our school districts. The levy cliff bill, HB 1059, passed out of the House Appropriations Committee last week. We hope to take a floor vote soon and send the bill over to the Senate.

In addition to amply funding our K-12 public schools, I believe we must create multiple pathways to student success by investing in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in high schools.

I am the prime sponsor on  HB 1282, a solidly bi-partisan bill, which would build on a state commitment to funding CTE skills programs in our high schools. By investing in CTE training and workforce skills preparation, we are showing kids they have choices to earn a high school diploma and pursue post-secondary credentials.

I am also working to provide Washington ports with access to new workforce training programs.

Clean Energy and the Environment

Washington state has the capacity to continue to be a leader on environmental policy in order to protect future generations from the risks of climate change. This session, I am working to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy with  HB 1334

I am also working with the Seattle City Light on HB 1335 to assist in transportation electrification. This legislation would allow our city to invest in electric infrastructure and help expand our capacity to use clean energy sources.

Finally, we must protect endangered fisheries from damage caused by water pollution and unregulated recreational activities.  HB 1106 seeks to restrict recreational mining by requiring a permit issued by the Department of Ecology.

2017 Legislative Preview

I have already met with and heard from many of you about the important decisions facing Washington this year. Thank you to those of you who have made the trip down to Olympia on Martin Luther King day, or in the past couple of weeks.

I am fighting hard to build on what we have; to support and strengthen our laws, commitments and dedication to equal access and opportunity. Your involvement will be key as we navigate the important debates ahead.

If you would like to learn more about my perspective on the upcoming challenges, I offered some views on Seattle’s Inside Out with Senator Reuven Carlyle and Representative Eric Pettigrew (video below)

Join the Conversation!

My seatmates, Senator Reuven Carlyle and Representative Noel Frame, and I will be hosting a Legislative Town Hall on Sunday, January 29th.

The Town Hall meeting will take place at  Ballard High School, in the library, from 1:30 – 3 p.m. I hope to see many of you there. It will be a great opportunity for you to share your thoughts with us.

Please keep in touch with me by email, phone, or when you visit Olympia. Your ideas and perspectives are always welcome as we navigate important budget debates in the coming weeks.

Your voice in Olympia,