Traffic gridlock on I-5 near the base, improving public schools, making college tuition more affordable for middle-class families – those aren’t Republican problems or Democratic problems, but common problems facing us all.
I’d like to work with you on solutions for our neighborhoods and families.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with your ideas, your family’s story or to highlight a local problem in your neighborhood.
It’s been a pleasure to meet and listen to so many citizens from the 28th Legislative District. As a freshman legislator, it has been an honor to work on your behalf in the House of Representatives.
Here’s a quick update on major issues that matter to us back home.
Mental health and the state budget
Mental health: Joel’s Law passed 98-0 as the first bill approved by the House. It’s a step in the right direction in fixing our state’s badly broken mental health system.
The new law is named after Joel Reuter, a young man who was tragically killed by police while suffering from a mental health crisis.
Joel’s Law would allow families to get a second opinion to determine if their loved one needs to be involuntarily committed. Joel’s parents tried desperately to get their son the help he needed, but unnecessary barriers in the legal system prevented them from doing so.
Helping people in emergencies: We passed a small budget to pay for forest fires, the Oso mudslide and other emergencies. It also provides immediate funding to critical state services in mental health and foster care and saves taxpayers $20,000 a day in interest costs from a court case.
This is a great example of Democrats and Republicans working together to solve problems.
Honoring the National Guard
Citizens of the 28th know first-hand about the sacrifices men and women make in service to our country. These are the people who respond first to mudslides or natural disasters and put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe. While no words can convey the depth of our appreciation, it is important to take a moment to give thanks.
I am proud that my first speech from the floor was in recognition of those who serve.
Please keep in touch
It is delightful to have constituents stop by my office to discuss issues and concerns.
While not everyone can make the trip to Olympia, I encourage you to contact me by calling 800-562-6000 or (360) 786-7958, or sending an e-mail to I look forward to hearing from you.