Thank you so much to those of you who participated in our 49th Legislative District Telephone Town Hall this past Wednesday!
More than 1,000 of you were on the line and we were able to take 16 of your questions in that one hour.
I’ve been getting lots of positive feedback on the call, so I’m glad we were able to connect and address some of the issues on your mind.
I look forward to doing another telephone town hall with Rep. Jim Moeller and Sen. Annette Cleveland in the future.
If you were unable to join us, you can listen to the entire call by clicking on the image.
Watch my latest video update!
In my latest Legislative Video Update I talk about the budget-writing process and about why it’s time to move forward with the Columbia River Crossing Project.
Budget Proposals being Released
Last week, Governor Inslee released his proposal for the 2013-15 operating budget. The Senate Republican Caucus/ Majority Coalition Caucus released their proposed operating budget earlier this week, and the House will roll out our plan early next week. Then, budget writers in both chambers will begin finding common ground, ironing out the differences, and ultimately pass a balanced, two-year state budget.
The $2 Billion Myth
One argument you will hear in the upcoming weeks is that the state has $2 billion more in revenue coming in during the upcoming budget cycle than we did during the last one – and that is true.
But it is also just one part of the equation.
State expenses have also increased by more than $2 billion since the last biennium. As you can see in the chart, we have more kids in public schools, more students enrolling in higher education that need financial assistance, more people in prison, and more low-income families and seniors that need medical care.
In other words, it costs more this year to run the state than it did last year. Despite having more money this year, our revenues are not keeping up with expenses. Based on current expense and revenue projections, the state budget is about $1 billion short of paying for our obligations. When you add obligation to increase education funding by $1.3 billion, we’re about $2.3 billion short.
Click on the image for a larger version of this chart.
How would you balance the state budget? The Seattle Times has an interactive tool that readers can use to get an idea of what it will take to balance the state budget. The tool isn’t a complete picture–it only provides a small handful of options–but it does highlight some of the challenges we face in Olympia. The House will release our alternative budget sometime next week.
CRC – Build the Bridge!
You have surely noticed that the chatter and differences of opinion about the CRC have intensified lately. I have found that rumors and misinformation are rampant.
I support replacing the bridge because we need to address serious issues:
First, a major part of the cost will be making entrances on both sides of the river safer. They now have more than their share of accidents.
Second, a small earthquake could jam the ability of the bridge to lift. A large one could liquefy the soils that the 100 year old supports rest upon.
Third, a significant stream of federal funding will pay for the light rail portion. Operating costs for light rail are less than for buses. The selection of the current bridge design with light rail was selected after looking at many options. Light rail was chosen by local participants who reviewed other options. The overall design was a compromise that no one totally loves.
Fourth, the costs to businesses in traffic slowdowns and delays are real. We lose opportunities to have businesses locate on our side of the river by not moving forward. If all of the parts do not come together, then we will have to look at other options.
Thanks for checking in on my latest legisaltive news – I appreciate your taking the time to read my updates from Olympia.