2025 Legislative Priorities

These are the House Democratic Caucus priorities for the 2025 Legislative Session. Explanation of the progress bars are described below.

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Passed House/Senate
Awaiting Senate Action
Pending concurrence or Gov Action

Strong Communities & Affordable Housing

Expanding support for children exposed to violence (HB 1028)

Strengthens the state’s response to children exposed to violence

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Caring for our pets in crisis (HB 1046)

Protects people from being sued if they break into a car to rescue a child, pet, or vulnerable person in danger, as long as they follow certain rules like calling the police first

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Addressing hate crime (HB 1052)

Brings more accountability to hate crime offenses, promoting fairness, dignity, and a justice system that works for everyone

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Expanding opportunities to finance housing construction (HB 1075)

Allows public housing authorities to partner with private developers to finance housing projects, without imposing certain rent restrictions

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Protecting communities against sexually violent predators (HB 1133)

Strengthens public safety measures to protect communities from sexually violent predators

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Preventing cruelty to animals (HB 1149)

Expands the crimes of Animal Fighting and Animal Cruelty

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Permit to purchase firearms (HB 1163)

Safeguarding families, children, and communities from gun violence through commonsense protections that keep guns out of dangerous hands

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Strengthening the Child Welfare Housing Assistance Program (HB 1177)

Help ensure that housing instability does not prevent family reunification or contribute to unnecessary foster care placements

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Rent Stabilization (HB 1217)

Providing predictability and stability in rental increases by capping returning renter rent increases at 7 percent

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Cutting red tape through a voluntary self-certification process to build ADUs (HB 1353)

Fast-tracks the construction of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) by cutting red tape in the permitting process

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Simplifying condominium construction statutes (HB 1403)

Increases the supply of affordable housing by simplifying condominium construction laws to make development more predictable and potentially less expensive

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Creating housing in more walkable community hubs around public transportation through Transit-Oriented Development (HB 1491)

Increases housing and mixed-use development around transit stops, including both market rate and permanently affordable housing. We need more housing in walkable community hubs around public transportation.

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Covenant Homeownership (HB 1696)

Expanding eligibility for down payment and closing cost assistance for first-time homebuyers historically harmed by housing-related discrimination

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

A smart use of existing commercial buildings (HB 1757)

Allows existing commercial buildings in primarily residential zones to be more easily converted to housing

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Strategic Grants for Law Enforcement Improvement (HB 2015)

Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) will administer competitive grants for local and tribal law enforcement agencies, with funding tied to clear accountability metrics

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Jobs, Economic Growth, and a Secure Future For All

Pioneering clean energy (HB 1018)

Adds fusion energy to the types of clean energy facilities eligible for streamlined state certification

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Adopting the cosmetology licensure compact (HB 1023)

Helps military spouses be able to use their out of state cosmetology license when they move to Washington so they can start working more quickly

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Joining the Respiratory Care Interstate Compact (HB 1114)

Adds Washington State to the Respiratory Care Interstate Compact, allowing licensed respiratory therapists to practice in other member states without needing separate licenses.

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Improving parity between individual care providers and other standard home care aides (HB 1142)

Aligns training and certification requirements for long-term care workers providing in-home care for family members regardless of the care provider

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Strengthens the maritime industry workforce pipeline (HB 1167)

Directing the statewide career and technical education task force to consider educational opportunities for careers in maritime professions

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Early learning facilities grant and loan program (HB 1314)

Makes is easier to build early learning facilities, which are critical to working families and employers in our state

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Isolated workers (HB 1524)

Establishes protections shielding isolated workers such as housekeepers, security guards, and janitors, from sexual harassment and assault on the job

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Access to radiology diagnostic procedures (HB 1546)

Increases access to diagnostic procedures for patients in areas where there is a shortage of radiologists

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Expanding tuition waivers for high school completers at community and technical colleges (HB 1556)

Tuition assistance for students who have completed high school and want to continue their education at a community or technical college

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Encouraging local government partner promise scholarship programs within the opportunity scholarship program (HB 1587)

Increases access to college for students

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

AI Collective Bargaining (HB 1622)

Strengthens workers voice and bargaining rights over implementation of AI in the workplace

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Teacher residency and apprenticeship programs (HB 1651)

Helps address the teacher shortage by ensuring there are lots of options for pathways to become a teacher, especially for those with limited resources

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Well-being programs for certain health care professionals (HB 1718)

Addresses stress and burnout of health care professionals, ensuring they are cared for so that they can care for others

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Expanding the definition of “interested party” (HB 1821)

Strengthens prevailing wage protections for workers

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Allowing the use of paid sick leave to prepare for or participate in certain immigration proceedings (HB 1875)

Ensures workers don’t have to risk losing income or their job to attend crucial immigration hearings

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

The Mosquito Fleet Act (HB 1923)

Bolstering transportation options with passenger-only ferries

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Funding Schools with Improved Outcomes

Supporting remote testing options for students enrolled in online school programs (HB 1079)

Makes testing more accessible and equitable for students for whom in-person testing poses significant challenges

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Dual credit programs for Career and Technical Education (HB 1273)

Improves access to dual credit programs, particularly career and technical education

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Creating safe and supportive school environments (HB 1296)

Corrects confusion and conflicting language in law and improves the parent’s bill of rights initiative so that all students have a safe and supportive learning environment where they can thrive

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

School construction funding (HB 1796)

Allows school districts to front-fund school construction projects so that they are completed sooner, which reduces inflation costs and serves students more quickly

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Concerning the effective delivery and administration of basic education services to justice-involved students (HB 1827)

Improves educational outcomes for justice-involved students

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Lower Costs and Economic Security

Providing greater protection and reduced costs for service contracts (HB 1006)

Provides consumers greater protection and reduced costs for service contracts for expensive items families rely on.

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Allowing people to retire safely and with dignity (HB 1069)

Allows collective bargaining over contributions for certain supplemental retirement benefits

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Concerning wages for journeypersons in high-hazard facilities (HB 1173)

Ensures workers in high hazard facilities have more fair and equitable wages.

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Improving salary collective bargaining for ferry workers (1264)

Improves the Washington State Ferries salary survey and shares it with bargaining parties

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Exempting delivery services from medical deductibles (HB 1291)

Ensures that essential maternity services are covered when families need them most, promoting healthier pregnancies, safer deliveries, and stronger financial security for parents

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Concerning access to personnel records (HB 1308)

Ensures workers have access to their personnel records in a timely manner

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Wholesale power purchase (HB 1329)

This gives utilities more flexibility in planning for cold spells or extreme heat events, resulting in lower energy bills for consumers

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

The Right to Repair Act (HB 1483)

The Right to Repair ensures Washington residents have the freedom to repair their own devices without unnecessary costs or restrictions

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Student support to finish postsecondary education (HB 1540)

Expanding eligibility for the students experiencing homelessness and foster youth program to an accredited tribal college

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Relationships between health carriers and contracting providers (HB 1589)

Helps small, independent medical providers stay independent by requiring health plans to negotiate in good faith

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Creating a health care entity registry (HB 1686)

Increases transparency of the health care delivery system to help start to address cost and access.

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action

Increasing access to prescription hormone therapy (HB 1971)

Requires prescription hormone medications to be available for a 12 month refill

Passed House
Awaiting Senate Action