Washington State House Democrats


Statement from Rep. Cody on House passage of Reproductive Parity Act (HB 2148)

“For the third time in as many years, a majority of the House of Representatives have said that a woman should be in charge of her health care decisions. The Reproductive Parity Act is a straightforward bill that leaves one of life’s most important decisions up to a woman, her family and her faith – no one else.

While a majority of the Senate also supports it, I can only expect that the RPA will suffer the same fate as it did last year. Coverage for reproductive services will remain unclear and Washington women will pay the price.

It’s not enough to speak at a rally or send out a press release in favor of reproductive freedom. Leadership isn’t about doing what is easy – it’s about doing what is right. The Senate’s failure to take up this legislation in any serious manner shows a clear lack of fortitude from its leader.

The people of this state have said over and over again that choice is a right they support. They expect and deserve more than legislative games and political posturing.”