OLYMPIA – A report to the House General Government Appropriations Committee yesterday demonstrates the impact a simple money-saving idea can have on a state budget still reeling from recession.
In an effort to implement new print management strategies, last year, State Representative Zack Hudgins (D – Tukwila) hatched the simple idea: saving money at the State Printer (DOP) by simply reducing the number of envelopes used by state agencies. In total, the state made use of 309 different sizes, shapes, and colors of envelopes to conduct business and communicate with citizens. Thanks to Hudgins’ efforts, that number is now nine.
Along with a few other print management and streamlining processes the DOP estimates the state will save the state $1.5 million this coming biennium.
“This is no time for business as usual in state government,” said Hudgins. “With jobs, health care, and human services all on the chopping block due to the economic downturn, it’s important to scrutinize every tax dollar, where it goes, and if it’s being used most efficiently. This certainly won’t solve all our problems, but this could mean saving some from falling through the cracks.”
“If this $1.5 million saves even a dozen families from losing their state-funded health care, or helps more students reach their goal of higher education, then it’s worth it to me. Our state government can’t and shouldn’t always run like a business, but this is one of those instances when smart business practices make sense.”
Rep. Hudgins has built a legislative career on taking a harder look at streamlining government and ending inefficiencies. He plans to continue this effort into the 2011 legislation session, beginning January 10, 2010.