Last month, President Obama declared June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month. From the president’s official proclamation:
This month, as we mark 45 years since the patrons of the Stonewall Inn defied an unjust policy and awakened a nascent movement, let us honor every brave leader who stood up, sat in, and came out, as well as the allies who supported them along the way. Following their example, let each of us speak for tolerance, justice, and dignity — because if hearts and minds continue to change over time, laws will too.
Here in Washington state, we’ve long led the fight for equality for all citizens – regardless of who they love. Back in 2006, the governor signed a measure to outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. In 2012, the Legislature took the next step by approving Senate Bill 6239 which legalized same-sex marriage in our state. That November, Referendum 74 was approved – making Washington one of the first states to approve same-sex marriage.
However, the work is never over. We continue to make inroads in our fight to bring true equality to our state’s laws. Earlier this week, we came one step closer when state leaders reminded employers, insurance companies, and benefit plan administrators that health plans that provide coverage for opposite-sex spouses, must also provide coverage for same-sex spouses.
In a joint letter from Attorney General Bob Ferguson, Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler, and Human Rights Commission Executive Director Sharon Ortiz, the three state leaders said:
It has come to our attention that some health plans have provided dependent coverage for opposite-sex spouses of employees or other insureds, but failed to provide coverage to same-sex spouses. We are concerned about legally married Washington residents who are negatively affected by this practice. This practice violates Washington State law.
For more information on this issue or to read the full press release from Attorney General Bob Ferguson, follow this link.