Washington State House Democrats


Today’s opening day prayer by Bothell faith leader

Every day on the floor of the state House of Representatives begins with a prayer led by a different faith leader, invited by a representative.

Interfaith Leader Ryan Welton of the Islamic Center of Bothell leads the opening day prayer
Interfaith Leader Ryan Welton of the Islamic Center of Bothell leads the opening day prayer. Behind him, Speaker Pro Tempore Rep. Jim Moeller (D – Vancouver).

This morning’s opening prayer was led by Ryan Welton, who was here representing our neighbors at the Islamic Center of Bothell. Ryan is the Center’s interfaith leader.

Ryan delivered a message of inclusion and understanding to the House, encouraging us to work together and, despite our political or ideological differences, treat each other with respect and dignity.

The Islamic Center of Bothell is an important part of our community, and I thank Ryan for taking the time to come to Olympia today.

If you are a faith leader in the 1st Legislative District, or know someone who is, and would like to talk to me about coming to Olympia to lead an opening prayer, feel free to email my legislative assistant.