Washington State House Democrats


Rep. Kristine Lytton’s Feb. 9 Legislative Update

Dear friends and neighbors,

This has been a busy week in Olympia and the district! I just want to send a few highlights and encourage you to continue to share these updates with others.

Also, you can keep track of the daily highlights on the HDC blog, The Advance. Short summaries of important hearings, breaking news, and background information are all there and updated regularly.

An update on my legislation
I am honored to be the prime sponsor of a bill that will make students’ final year of high school a “launch year” into their future endeavors. House Bill 1808 will allow for more dual-credit opportunities for students headed to two- or four-year institutions or career and technical colleges. Washington’s seniors would be well served by using their 12th year of school to get a head start on career and/or college. The bill has been scheduled for a hearing in the House Higher Education Committee later this week.

Did you know…
That Washington public four-year colleges and universities have the highest graduation rate in the nation? Students graduate at a rate of 69.4% compared with a national average of 53.6%.

Stay in touch
If you’re going to be down in Olympia , I’d love to have you stop by. It was great to visit with all of the groups who came down from the 40th District last week—it’s always nice to see friendly faces from home and to discuss the pressing issues for our district! With that in mind, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts via phone or email if you aren’t coming down anytime soon.

You can also track the newest news on my website. While you’re there, you can also check out my video update.

As always, my door (and Inbox) are open. Please continue to share your ideas, comments and questions with me. It is an honor to serve you.
