Celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This week our nation observed the birthday of the late civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In the House of Representatives, legislators honored Dr. King and his legacy with a resolution. It’s an annual tradition, but this year Dr. King’s message of equality, dignity, and tolerance for all people seems especially urgent.
Six years have passed since a bomb was discovered along the route of Spokane’s MLK Day parade. And only a few months ago, our community witnessed a racially-motivated attack on the Martin Luther King Jr. Family Outreach Center. Acts like these attempt to spread fear, hate and division – everything that is the opposite of Dr. King’s message. But they don’t succeed. Our community came together when these incidents happened, and showed we will not tolerate hate.
Although I couldn’t be in Spokane to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday, it’s inspiring to be in the Legislature working on the issues that help further his mission of greater equality and opportunity for all. That includes fully funding our education system so all kids have a fair shot, no matter what zip code they live in.
No more delays: Time to fully fund education
The primary focus for the 2017 session is finishing the job to fully fund basic education. While the Legislature has made steady progress over the last several years, one major challenge still remains: We must end the state’s reliance on local levies to pay teachers in our K-12 schools. No more excuses. No more delays.
Getting this done for our state’s 1.1 million public school kids requires bipartisan effort. That’s why I’m ready to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle on solutions. Solutions that are stable and sustainable. Solutions that ensure every child has opportunities to learn and to achieve his or her dreams. Solutions that ensure every school, in every district, will be fully funded for the next generation of students.
You’ll be hearing a lot about education funding over the coming months. I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening here in Olympia, but please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office if you have questions, comments, or concerns.
Stay engaged
While we are in Olympia to pass legislation and a budget for the entire state of Washington, my home is in Spokane, and I never forget that I am working for you. Your participation is crucial to this process, and I want you to keep me updated on the issues that matter most to you. This year I am fortunate to be working with two dedicated staffers:
Maureen Haeger is my legislative assistant. She grew up in Spokane, went to North Central High School, and studied political science and philosophy at EWU. She lives in downtown Spokane with her family.
Meryl Safar is my intern. She is a senior at The Evergreen State College studying psychology and public health. She grew up in Eastern Washington. She is passionate about state policy and is excited for the positive changes that will come out of the 2017 session.
Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with your questions and comments. As I work to represent our Spokane community, I count on your engagement. Let’s work together.
Best regards,
Representative Marcus Riccelli
3rd Legislative District – Spokane