Washington State House Democrats


First bill passes the House to punish sex traffickers!

Friends and neighbors –

I passed my first bill through the House of Representatives this week. I’ve also co-sponsored bills to reduce DUIs, reign in prescription drug costs, and improve nursing staffing levels. As always, the best part of my week is meeting with the dozens of visitors from our legislative district, who came to Olympia throughout the week.

 PASSED: Punishing sex traffickers & protecting minors!

I told you about how on my very first day in Olympia I filed a bill that had been a priority of mine ever since I was a King County prosecutor. The bill expands the current law to allow someone to be convicted of commercial sexual abuse of a minor, even if they didn’t pay with cash, but gave the minor gifts or drugs. This was a personal one for me: I prosecuted sex traffickers who coerced teenagers into these situations. We need to hold these criminals accountable and have laws that catch up with the times.

I took to the floor to speak about my experiences as a prosecutor and share the story of one victim of these crimes. My colleagues, in an incredible show of bipartisan support, unanimously agreed and the bill passed the House of Representatives 98-0. It’s off to the Senate now, where I hope they will join us and pass it on to the Governor. I’m going to keep fighting to protect our communities.

Visits from the district

I love it when folks visit from the district to say hello, share ideas, or tell me about issues important to them. This week I had a great visit with many constituents and visitors, including those pictured here who came from Federal Way to advocate for the arts.

Please let me know if you’ll be in Olympia and can meet. Or, give my office a call or an email if you’re unable to visit.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.