Washington State House Democrats


David Frockt statement on the passing of Sen. Scott White

State Rep. David Frockt is a colleague and personal friend of Senator Scott White, who died suddenly on Friday, October 21. The friendship between Rep. Frockt and Sen. White deepened as they worked together to serve the people of the 46th District. Following is the statement of Rep. Frock on the tragic passing of Sen. White.

The 46th District, the city of Seattle and the State of Washington lost one of its best young leaders in Scott White. It is obvious that his future as a public servant for this region was extremely bright. He had excelled in his work on the County Council. He had already been elected by his colleagues to serve in the Democratic leadership in the State Senate and there was every expectation that he would continue to thrive in that role or in any other future offices he chose to take on.

He had become a friend and a colleague whom I had the honor of working with for just one year. It was too short a time. Much too short.

Scott and I had coffee about two weeks ago to discuss the budget crisis and other political matters. One thing he said to me jumps out in my mind at this awful time. He said that whatever his future in public life was going to be, the most important things to him would always be his two young children and, of course, Alison.

My wife and I are stunned by this tragic event. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with Alison, their children and the extended White family.