Washington State House Democrats


Stonier elected to key leadership role in Olympia

OLYMPIA – Rep. Monica Stonier, D-Vancouver, was elected to serve as Deputy Majority Whip by members of the House Democratic Caucus on today.

“It’s an honor to be elected by my colleagues to serve in this role,” said Stonier. “Southwest Washington will now have a strong voice at the leadership table as lawmakers work this session to provide more support for public schools, address the opioid crisis, reverse the homelessness trend, and improve treatment for those with mental illnesses.”

Whips are charged with finding the level of support for legislation, amendments, and budgets, and determining which are ready for a vote by the full House.

“Monica is an excellent choice for this position,” said Majority Whip Rep. Marcus Riccelli, D-Spokane. “Her passion for improving public schools, fighting for women’s rights, and bringing more economic opportunities to her community makes her a perfect fit for this role. I’m excited she’ll be joining our leadership team.”

Stonier is serving her first term as a state representative from the 49th Legislative District. In addition to her new leadership role, she also serves as a member of the House Capital Budget Committee and the House Healthcare and Wellness Committee, as vice chair of the House Education Committee, and as chair of the Working Families Caucus, the Financial Education Public-Private Partnership, and the Children’s Health One Table.

The 2018 legislative session began on January 8 and is scheduled to adjourn on March 8, 2018.