Washington State House Democrats


Rep. Gutiérrez Kenney’s March 20 e-memo

Dear Neighbors,

As many of you know, the House and Senate were unable to agree on a supplemental operating budget. The Governor called us back into Special Session on Monday March 12.

The Leadership and budget teams are doing hands-on budget work to reach an agreed proposal. Once a budget proposal is agreed to, all of us will be required back to Olympia for hearings and votes on a variety of bills needed to make the budget work.  But in the meantime, we are attempting to be as responsible and efficient as possible.

Budget update

Governor Gregoire is meeting regularly with leaders from all four caucuses to iron out the major areas of difference between the budget approved by the House and the budget approved by the Senate.

In the midst of the negotiating meetings, the Senate Republican leaders released another proposal to the media last Thursday.

This new plan appears to be moving to what the House budget proposed in funding our public schools and higher ed system, but contains some pretty major differences in other important areas.

Those differences represent very divergent values.  If the newest proposal is passed as written, some of the most vulnerable people in our state will be devastated:

  • 14,500 disabled people lose their medical coverage
  • 10,000 disabled people lose their homes
  • 3,350 low-income families lose their only source of income during this recession
  • 12,300 low-income families lose their food assistance
  • Funds Charter Schools

You can get more information about the latest proposal, as well as comparisons between it and the budget passed by the House and the earlier budget passed by the Senate here.

I want to get the budget written and approved as soon as possible, but we can’t sacrifice our basic values for expediency. A budget isn’t just about numbers, it’s about people.


I am sure you have all been following updates sent out by WADOT and Mayor’s web site. If you would  like to read the latest traffic update for SR-520, you can do so by going to

SR-520: A Traffic Update


I hope you will continue to stay in touch, and share your thoughts with me anytime. As always, I hope you will continue to stay in touch, and share your thoughts with me anytime.

Best Wishes,

Phyllis Gutiérrez Kenney
State Representative
46th Legislative District