Washington State House Democrats


Statement from Rep. Timm Ormsby on today’s state revenue forecast

“The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a very heavy toll on the people, businesses, and economy in Washington state. While today’s forecast shows an improvement and provides more information to our long-term budget outlook, I’m thinking of those families who are struggling.

“Back in June, we expected the worst. With today’s news, we know it’s not as bad as expected and, while there are still difficult challenges ahead, our future budget decisions may be a little bit easier. But it doesn’t make the tough choices everyday families are facing any easier. And there’s still a degree of uncertainty moving forward.

“Too many families in our state are hurting. Too many are unable to work, to pay their bills, or find childcare. As a state government, we can make choices that help those families, businesses, and communities. I look forward to working with my colleagues on a bipartisan and equitable solution that helps everyone struggling in Washington state right now.

“We’ve got to protect the work the Legislature has done since the Great Recession to invest in the most vulnerable in our state. Democrats are dedicated to finding a balanced approach that offers real solutions for a sustainable and equitable recovery, including using our ‘rainy day fund’ and discussions about new revenue.”