Washington State House Democrats


House Passes Historic “Washington Recovery Budget”

OLYMPIA – The Washington State House of Representatives passed its version of the 2021-2023 operating budget today by a vote of 57-41. By utilizing state and federal funds, the Washington Recovery Budget serves Washington residents most impacted by the pandemic and prioritizes needs of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and low-income communities that have suffered the most impacts due to COVID-19.

“Recovery isn’t going to be easy and that’s why we have taken special care to prioritize vulnerable people with significant investments in food. Public and behavioral health. Small businesses. Child care. And so much more. But we know there is still work to do and this budget is a promise to do better and we’re going to do it equitably,” said Rep. Mia Gregerson, Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee, during debate.

“This budget is important because it addresses our uneven and unfair recovery. Without bold action, we will continue to witness an uneven recovery where too many in our state have been left behind,” said Rep. Pat Sullivan, House Democratic Caucus Majority Leader. “This budget is possible due to the sacrifices made by frontline and essential workers, and we owe it to them to make sure no Washingtonian is left behind, and that’s what this budget does.”

Now that both chambers have passed their operating budget proposals, the House and Senate will begin negotiations on passing a final two-year budget prior to the end of the legislative session on April 25.


For more information:

House Democratic Caucus “Washington Recovery Budget” News conference available on TVW here

“Washington Recovery Budget” press release with funding allocation available here

Budget details from the House Office of Program Research available at leap.leg.wa.gov

Public Hearing on the House budget proposal in the Appropriations Committee available on TVW here
