Washington State House Democrats


Rep. Parshley: Helping car dealership protect their stock is good for consumers

OLYMPIA – Washington House Democrats made it easier for companies to protect their inventory and storage facilities with the passage of HB 1688.  Sponsored by Rep. Lisa Parshley (D-Olympia) the bill sets statewide standards for installing and operating electric security alarm systems where local governments have not adopted alternative regulations.  

This bill would allow car dealerships, self storage facilities, and other retail spaces who have their inventory stored outside to install low-voltage electric fences inside a permitted outer fence. When people illegally enter the property after operating hours they will be deterred by a mild shock. They will also trigger an alarm alerting the property owner.  

It is for certain; this bill will help auto dealerships suffering from catalytic convertor thefts. “These alarm systems are a big step towards helping keep costs down for consumers by helping reduce the loss from theft,” said Rep. Parshley. “This is a good policy that will aid city councils in uplifting small businesses in their communities.”  

The bill is the result of an extensive collaborative process between state and local governments to ensure a new statewide standard will not affect local municipalities who already had these regulations on the books. Additionally, the legislation provides guidance for auto-dealers for implementation of these systems.  

Watch Rep. Parshley’s speech on final passage here.

The bill passed the house unanimously and now moves onto the Senate for consideration.