Washington State House Democrats


Court rules against state on school funding!

Today Judge John Erlick of King County Superior Court ruled that the state not met its constitutional requirements for “ample” funding of schools. I’m still working my way through the ruling, but released the following statement earlier today.

Statement from Rep. Ross Hunter on King County Superior Court’s school funding ruling

“Today’s court ruling doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know – the Legislature is not giving schools the money they need to provide the quality of education we want. This issue is why I ran for the Legislature in 2002 and it remains my top priority to this day.”

“We took an historic step forward last session when we passed House Bill 2261. We expanded the definition of basic education and committed ourselves to reworking the funding formula to make sure lawmakers pay for it. We made students and student success the basis of our new funding approach. I’ve said all along that when our children graduate from high school they should be prepared for jobs that don’t require paper hats. Clearly the courts agree.”

“I don’t think the state should waste money appealing this decision. It lights a much-needed fire under legislators to put education funding first.”