Washington State House Democrats


An inconvenient study

georgewashingtonOK – so maybe global warming doesn’t mean a tidal wave will flood the rotunda of the state capitol up to the eyeballs on the bronze bust of George Washington on the third floor. But a recently published scientific study says that as many as 30 cities in Washington could see more than half of their population living underwater by the year 2100 if nothing is done to curb carbon emissions.

That’s a major issue for the people of Washington state, and that’s why Gov. Inslee pushed for Senate Bill 5802, which passed the Legislature in the 2013 session. The bill created the Climate Legislative and Executive Workgroup, which is charged with providing recommendations to the Legislature for methods of meeting the greenhouse gas emission targets established by the state in 2008. The idea is for these recommendations to form  the foundation of policies the state will adopt in the next 1-3 years to significantly reduce Washington’s contribution to global climate change.

The study, which looks at the national outlook as well, drew considerable attention in the media, such as this article from seattlepi.com that offers an interesting interactive map. It’s a topic worth paying attention to as we head towards 2014 – and 2100.