Washington State House Democrats


Tukwila Representative Hudgins to chair budget committee in state House

OLYMPIA – When the 2011 legislative session begins Monday, January 10, the gavel for the House committee that oversees the budgets of many state agencies and programs will be handed over to State Representative Zack Hudgins (D), beginning his fifth term in the House of Representatives. Hudgins steps down from his previous role as the Majority Floor Leader in the Democratic caucus to take on his new role.

The House General Government Appropriations & Oversight Committee manages the funding and oversight of general government, natural resources, and corrections programs and agencies, and makes funding recommendations to the final fiscal committee, the Ways and Means Committee.

As a veteran member of the committee, Hudgins championed several government-efficiency improvements, including a new print management system for several state agencies, which will ultimately save taxpayers millions of dollars. As the Chair, he is now in charge of leading reform efforts through one of the most serious economic downturns in state history.

With a bleak revenue forecast facing legislators, the Tukwila legislator knows how much is riding on these efforts this coming biennium. “This budget is going to be one that you either love or hate,” said Hudgins. “If you want to protect the services the state provides you are going to hate it, if you want to see a smaller state budget again, you will love it.”

Hudgins also knows it will take a concerted effort by all to build a budget with enough support to pass, and welcomes the opportunity for collaboration with anyone focused on good, effective, and efficient governance. “I hope to make these tough choices with as much input as possible, and with an eye on doing government services differently.”

For more information about the committee, its schedule and bills, click here.