Washington State House Democrats


House Democrats elect David Frockt to serve as Assistant Floor Leader

OLYMPIA—House Democrats today elected Rep. David Frockt to serve as their Assistant Floor Leader in the state House of Representatives.

“I’m honored that my colleagues entrusted me with the job of helping to organize floor debates and keep discussions focused on the issues and concerns people care about,” said Frockt, who represents the 46th District in North Seattle.

Frockt will work with Majority Floor Leader Tami Green (D-Lakewood) to help Democrats communicate their positions on state issues civilly, clearly and forcefully in House debates. He will also have a role in shaping external communications to help the public understand what is at stake in issues before the House.

“David will be a great addition to the leadership team,” said Green. “He’s thoughtful, articulate and a very good listener. These are all important qualities when we’re trying to encourage civil debates or trying to make complex issues clear to citizens from a variety of backgrounds.”

Frockt, an attorney whose livelihood has depended on effective communication skills, is serving his first term in the Legislature.