Washington State House Democrats


HB1668 – Paid Signature Gatherer Registration

Those of you who wrote to me from all over the state asking me to not support HB 1668 (which required paid signature gatherers to register with the Secretary of State) will be happy to know that it never came up for a vote and consequently didn’t pass out of committee. This happens every year to this bill, and is likely to continue to happen in the future.

Regardless of the content of the bill, in general it works better if you contact your own representative, rather than blanket all of us with email. Once we read the first 20 or so of these and realize that they’re from everywhere many legislators will stop reading them. If you include your address we can check to see that you’re our constituent and respond to you personally.

Toning down the level of vitriol is also something that’s likely to get you a personal response. Just like most people don’t really want to have conversations with people who are astoundingly rude, most legislators don’t either. Not all of the email I received on this topic was rude, but a fair amount was over the top.