“Families and businesses in Southwest Washington communities are just like fellow citizens and business folks across the rest of our state. We’re battling this Great Recession as best as we know how.
“It’s maddening that our economy isn’t steering a surer, quicker route toward recovery. Today’s dismal state-revenue forecast obviously keeps us on this very rocky highway.
“Frankly, though, I’m against calling a special legislative session unless we reach agreement ahead of time. And frankly, too, I’m not interested in making any more cuts until we find the will to create new revenue. Three straight years of slashing essential funds for K-12 schools, higher education, nursing homes, public safety, and other vital programs leaves us with precious few options.
“But we are one Washington. We don’t turn our backs on neighbors in need. We must re-establish our momentum on a strong foundation of safe, healthy, educated, and hard-working citizens. And we must advocate opportunities for every one of our workers, our small businesses, and our cutting-edge industries.”