Simply voting in favor of legislation to promote a higher quality of life for our children isn’t enough for Rep. Tami Green. That’s why this week she’s putting her words into action and dedicating about 14 hours a day to serving as a Construction Captain for Playground by the Sound. From 7 a.m. to around 9 p.m., Tami suits up for a long day’s work of helping teams of volunteers to create a community-built playground in the North Meadow of Chambers Creek in University Place.
“Our children should always have access to a safe place to play, and this is a great opportunity for communities to work together to make that happen,” Tami said.
With the help of state funding and hundreds of volunteers, the playground will serve as a safe place for Washington families to lead active and healthy lifestyles. Tami and her fellow volunteers will continue their work on the playground through this Sunday.
To learn more about Playground by the Sound, please click here.