Washington State House Democrats


State Rep. Jim Moeller’s statements about the Columbia River Crossing legislation

The tolling authorized in this legislation (which passed the House, 65-33) is in fact a principal funding mechanism for mega-projects now underway around our state. The Transportation Commission could impose tolling on the Columbia River Crossing to fund the local share. The state share will still be coming in an appropriation when voters pass a new-projects package.

Tolls are actually the most conservative strategy for financing the project. Folks who use the bridge will pay for the bridge — it’s the ultimate user’s fee!

Some folks have suggested that Oregon should give us a rebate on income taxes paid by Washington citizens who work in that state. Frankly, although it might feel good to send such a zinger at Oregon, they’re already exempted from paying our sales tax. Although I could certainly support the elimination of that tax give-away, it’s not worth it to stop the bridge project. After all, we’re talking about 16,000 jobs here!

Tolling is the way to spread out the cost to everyone who uses the bridge, no matter where they live.