Washington State House Democrats


Landmark garnishment reform heads to Governor


OLYMPIA—A comprehensive reform of Washington’s garnishment laws awaits only Gov. Chris Gregoire’s signature to become law after passing the House by a vote of 56-41 today.

“This wide-ranging rewrite of our garnishment laws is a big win for small businesses as well as wage earners,” said state Rep. Roger Goodman (D-Kirkland), who authored the measure and shepherded it through the Legislature.

“Small businesses will save time and money because we’re slashing useless and confusing paperwork requirements, and struggling wage-earners will get to keep more of their money because we’re increasing the wage exemption in our garnishment laws for the first time in 25 years,” Goodman said.

Goodman’s House Bill 1552 increases the garnishment wage-exemption from 30 to 35 times the federal minimum hourly wage. At current rates, that means consumers will be able to keep an additional $145 a month as they pay off their debts.

The wage reform is the first update in state wage exemptions to garnishment since 1987.

“This law will provide immediate relief to struggling families across the state,” said Marcy Bowers, executive director of Statewide Poverty Action Network. “More money in people’s bank accounts will mean that low-income families can better meet their basic needs in these hard economic times.”