Dear Friends and Neighbors,
We appreciate all of you who have come down to Olympia. It helps me keep in touch with how things look to all of you at home as we grapple with hard choices: fully funding K-12 education; creating a transportation system that sustains a clean economy; finding dedicated state funding for affordable and accessible higher education opportunities; and restoring and protecting critical services for mentally ill, developmentally disabled, and our poorest citizens.
On Presidents’ Day, many constituents from the 36th district took the time to join me and other legislators in Olympia. Here are some of your 36th District neighbors in a recent video with me!
Helping Higher Ed Students Cope with Tuition Costs
All three bills that I sponsored – House Bill (HB) 1647, HB 1725, and HB 1819 – were moved out of their committees before last Friday’s deadline, which means they still have a chance to get to a floor vote. HB 1725 creates the “Tuition Assistance Program for Washingtonians’ Education.”
This program provides scholarships for students who face a terrible choice: can I cover this tuition increase, or should I drop out and get a job? This bill would make it possible for private employers and private foundations to buy Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) credits. Check out the story about this bill from the Western Washington University student newspaper, Western Front, to learn more!
Making the DREAM Act Come True
Last Tuesday, more than 100 students and advocates traveled from all corners of the state to stand up for the equal opportunity to pursue higher education. The DREAM Act would allow all students eligible for financial aid in Washington State to qualify for the state need grant, regardless of their immigration status. It would make equal access to educational opportunities a reality. It was inspiring and humbling to hear from students who have fought tirelessly for their education.
As one student testified, “We should stop making this a dream, and start making this a right.” As I took the vote with my colleagues to move HB 1817 out of the House Higher Education Committee, I thought of my Mom and Dad and my grandparents, who lived their lives believing that every person has the right to the opportunities that higher education creates.

Building our State’s Transportation Infrastructure
As the House Transportation leaders unveiled their proposal for transportation funding and projects on Wednesday, we must remember to prioritize equal access. It is time to realize that we cannot treat transportation as an either/or scenario. We cannot make the decision to ensure the safety of our bridges or minimize our environmental impact over increasing access to transportation for our most vulnerable citizens and getting our kids to school. Details of the proposal, including a project breakdown, can be found on the House Democrats website.
36th District Neighborhoods Running Neck and Neck to Compete for “Most Visits to Olympia”!
We have a mini-competition underway: which neighborhoods send the most visitors to see us? Here’s the report on the standings a third of the way into the session:
- Queen Anne – leading with 23 constituents.
- Ballard – close second with 22 constituents.
- Magnolia – coming on strong with 16 constituents.
- Greenwood – plenty of time to make up ground with 13 constituents.
Belltown and South Lake Union: here’s your chance to be part of the story! And many thanks to everyone who volunteers their time and energy to speak up for those who can’t be here in person.

Thank you for your letters, emails, and phone calls. Whether it’s about Reproductive Parity (we passed it!), gun safety (we’re working on it), or Medicaid expansion (we must do this), your ideas and support make a huge difference. As always, feel free to contact me about any issues or concerns in order to help me better represent you and reflect the diverse opinions of Seattle’s northwest neighborhoods.
Your voice in Olympia,