Washington State House Democrats


Rep. Morrell featured in “Huskies on the Hill”

Morrell_028-5x7In their “Huskies on the Hill”series, the University of Washington is profiling alumni currently serving in the legislature. Their first interview is with Rep. Dawn Morrell (D-Puyallup).

Dawn graduated cum laude from the University of Washington- Tacoma with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing in 1995. She was first elected to serve in the House of Representatives in 2002. When asked about her initial motivation to run for public office, this is what Rep. Morrell had to say:

I am a Registered Nurse. I testified on many health care related bills in Olympia and realized that the legislature needed more representatives that truly understood the health care “system.”

Rep. Morrell currently serves  as Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, as well as on the Health Care and Wellness Committee, where her background in the health care profession comes in handy.

To read the complete profile, follow this link.