Washington State House Democrats


My conversation with the Washington Housing Alliance Action Fund

Below is an excerpt from my conversation with the Washington Housing Alliance Action Fund.

Last election cycle, the Housing Alliance Action Fund supported 20 candidates who were successful in their election bids, including 4 who were brand new to Olympia. We plan to spend some time with our endorsed lawmakers between sessions, to learn more about their interests and to talk about ending homelessness and expanding opportunity to affordable housing.

We recently had the chance to sit down with first-time lawmaker Representative Gael Tarleton (36th – Seattle), to talk to her about her first session and we were very impressed with her enthusiasm for her new job and with her interest in seeing more progress be made on the issues of affordable housing and homelessness. From our two-hour plus conversation, we learned that Rep. Tarleton is a smart and passionate lawmaker, with a lot of ideas and a lot of interest in working more closely with affordable housing and homeless advocates.

Rep. Gael Tarleton D-36

Action Fund: “What does advocacy look like on the inside, now that you are the one receiving hundreds of emails and calls from constituents?”

Rep Tarleton:
“Affordable housing advocates, along with reproductive choice, healthcare reform, and a few others were the most present and notable this session. As an elected official I’m being pulled in a million directions during session. It is critical that you are there to make your issues heard and understood.”

Click here to read the entire Q&A.