It’s here! Yes, the 2013 Final Sine Die Report from the non-partisan House Office of Program Research is hot off the presses — or the Internet, if you prefer. Every bill that passed the 2013 Legislature is listed and described in its 143 pages, along with a breakdown of the operating and capital budgets.
Bills are listed by House committee, in numerical order, and there’s lots to chew on. Consider the first bill listed, from the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee: House Bill 1071, sponsored by the committee chair, Rep. Brian Blake of Aberdeen:
Regarding State and Private Partnerships for Managing Salmonid Hatcheries – Changes the hatcheries that can be managed under an agreement between the Department of Fish and Wildlife and private sector partners to only those located in the Hood Canal basin. Allows private sector hatchery partners operating chum salmon hatcheries to harvest some of the hatchery fish for sale. Provides direction to hatchery partners to prioritize the retention of classified employees.
If that doesn’t whet your appetite, well, guess nothing will.
Careful observers will note that, although the cover of the report references the regular session, the first special session and the second special session, the summary of legislation mentions only the regular and second special sessions. The explanation? No bills were passed during the first special session.
Also, this will be the final final sine die report produced under the supervision of Ken Conte, who is leaving OPR after nearly 20 years as staff director. So wish him will as you curl up with the report.