The collapse of the Skagit River Bridge in late May was a catastrophe that sent shockwaves rippling through the Skagit Valley and our state as a whole. For weeks it crippled our regional transportation system and caused havoc for commuters as well as local residents.
The effects on local businesses, however, have been longer lasting and even more damaging, particularly in attracting cross-border customers.
A new study conducted by the Border Policy Research Institute at Western Washington University shows that between March and June there has been a 51 percent decline in the number of Canadian shoppers south of Burlington, where the section of I-5 fell through. In contrast, north of the collapsed bridge sales actually increased by one percent.
This report provides quantitative validation for many small business owners in south Burlington, Mount Vernon, and other areas south of the bridge that have reported everywhere between 15 and 80 percent fewer customers since the collapse of the Skagit River Bridge. Anecdotally, they have also pointed to markedly fewer Canadian tourists visiting their businesses – hurting their sales and threatening their livelihood.
All of this underscores a point that House Democrats made repeatedly last session and will continue to argue moving forward: a safe, modern, dependable system of transportation infrastructure is critical to Washington’s economic vitality.