Washington State House Democrats


Rep. Hansen’s other hat: “I have a dream” expert

20130310_LEGWA_3034shWashington has a “citizen legislature,” which means your elected representatives have lots of other occupations in addition to serving in Olympia.

For example, years before he came to the Legislature in 2011 as a representative from the 23rd District, Drew Hansen published a book: “The Dream – Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Speech that Inspired a Nation.”

With the 50th anniversary of King’s speech last week, Hansen was much in demand as a media MLK book commentator on that historic event. MLK150x150

In the New York Times, he wrote about the improvisation at the heart of King’s “I have a dream” summation.

In the Toronto Globe and Mail, he explained the allusions and rhetorical devices in the address.

And for the web site Politico, he looked at the critical role played by Bayard Rustin, the chief organizer of the march.

You can watch the famous speech in its entirety below.