Washington State House Democrats


Protecting the rights of Washington’s veterans and servicemembers

At a press conference this morning, joined by a group of lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, Attorney General Bob Ferguson rolled out his 2014 legislative agenda — one that starts with a bill to protect the rights of veterans and servicemembers. That measure is sponsored by Rep. Tina Orwall, who serves as co-chair on the Joint Legislative Committee on Veterans’ and Military Affairs.

orwall presser Currently, military servicemembers whose active duty orders are signed by the governor have fewer protections than those whose orders are signed by the president.

Orwall thinks that is wrong and her legislation is twofold; it requires that protections under the state’s Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act match those provided by federal law, and it grants the Attorney General the authority to enforce violations of this statute.

The Des Moines Democrat said that the least we can do for the men and women who put their lives at risk in defense of our nation and our freedom is to protect their rights.

“This legislation gives us the opportunity to ensure all military personnel can carry out their jobs without having to worry about their families’ well-being and the lives they have built for themselves falling apart during their tour of duty,” Orwall added.

For more information on the veterans’ bill and the other measures in the AG’s package, read the press release, or you can watch the press conference on TVW.