Washington State House Democrats


Apply to be a House page!

Do you know a 14-16 year old looking for a hands-on learning experience at the state capitol? The Legislature is accepting page applications for the 2014 legislative session.

Legislative pages spend a week at the state capitol learning about their government, delivering documents and messages, and most important, making new friends.

And they get paid!

Hundreds of students from all over the state take advantage of this opportunity every year. All public, private, and home school students are encouraged to apply. Legislative pages need to:

  • Have permission from a parent or guardian
  • Have permission from school
  • Be sponsored by a current member of the House of Representatives
  • Be at least 14 years of age and not have reached his or her 17th birthday

Don’t wait to apply! This is a short session and the slots fill up quickly.

House pages with Seahawks coach Pete Carroll
A few fortunate House pages had a chance to meet Seahawks coach Pete Carroll during his visit last session.

Click here for more information about the House page program. Download an application here or contact your state representative for more information.

Check out this short video to hear from the pages themselves about this unique experience.