Rep. Springer is open for the people’s business!

Yesterday, the 2014 legislative session began.  Today, Rep. Springer held his first business stakeholder meeting of the session!

 Each week, Rep. Springer brings together a wide variety of stakeholders, from the grocer’s association, to the agriculture community to the health insurance industry.  It is an informal, conversational, open forum.  Advocates bring their questions, comments and concerns. He, and other members of the caucus listen and respond to their questions.

The Representatives love it because they don’t need to schedule 25 different meetings with each stakeholder – time they could be spending with their constituents; and the stakeholders love it because they get to pick the brains of 5-10 different Representatives at the same time.

All in all, the weekly business meetings are a win for everyone.  Keep up the good work, Rep. Springer.  See you next week!