Dear Friends:
After a relatively relaxing break between sessions, we are back at work!
The 2014 session kicked off last Monday, and the first 10 days have been a whirlwind of activity. My colleagues warned me that these 60-day “short sessions” are intense, and boy, were they right!
In the House, we got right to work, passing the DREAM Act on the first day of session. Later in the week we passed a bill barring our state universities from implementing differential tuition. Both of these important bills passed the House with large bi-partisan majorities, and are now in the Senate where I hope Senate leadership will give their members the opportunity to vote on these matters.
I’ve also personally been busy, working on some legislation that I think will make Washington work a little better, like House Bill 2111 which will make it easier for transit agencies to cite fare evaders, HB 2346 which will direct WSDOT to coordinate their culvert replacement projects with local jurisdictions, and HB 2282 which will bring more people to the table to work on the very important subject of early learning.
But I’d like to highlight one bill that is attracting a lot of attention – House Bill 2347 – the Oil Transport Safety Act – one of the two legislative priorities for the Environmental Priorities Coalition.
The way we move oil is changing in the United States, and these changes will dramatically impact Washington State. Oil that was once moved by pipeline is now being transported by oil trains – where 5 years ago we saw under 11,000 carloads of oil moved by rail, this year we expect to see that number jump to 400,000. Much of this oil is coming from the “Bakken formation” (parts of North Dakota, Montana, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) which the U.S. Department of Transportation has recently indicated may produce oil that is more flammable than the traditional sweet crude we are used to – leading to some particularly nasty fires when these trains derail (which has been happening all too often). This oil being would then be taken to the Puget Sound to be moved over our waters – there are 7 new “oil by rail” facilities being planned in Washington to facilitate the movement of oil from trains onto oil barges and tankers. It is time to update our regulations to reflect this changing world.
The Oil Transportation Safety Act requires additional safety measures be adopted for some tankers and barges, and helps all of us (lawmakers and citizens alike) know what is moving over our lands and through our waters. Check out this great op-ed in favor of this bill by Seattle Times columnist Lance Dickie.
Other bills will be coming, and we have a lot to do in a short time here in Olympia. I’ll do my best to keep you up to speed as things progress.
Great opportunity for young people to see their government in action
What is a “page?”
- In feudal times, a boy attending to a knight?
- A leaf or sheet or paper in a book?
- A teen getting a close-up look at government in action, having fun and earning money while spending a week delivering documents and helping out House members in the Washington state Legislature?
The answer, of course, is “all of the above” – but the one most relevant here is (c). With the Legislature in session, it’s page season once again, which means a great opportunity for 14-, 15- and 16-year-olds from across the state to have a hands-on experience in government.
If you know a boy or girl who is a good candidate for the role, click on to learn more and to download an application. Don’t delay – spots fill up quickly!
Keep in Touch
Because 2014 is an election year, I need to ensure you still want to continue receiving my email updates. If so, you don’t need to do anything. However if you wish to be removed from my email list, click on the link below:
As always, I welcome your comments, feedback, and visits! You can reach me at If you’re coming down to Olympia, make sure you let me know, and we can chat. If I’m not available, my Legislative Assistant Nigel Herbig is always happy to pass your concerns on to me.
All the best,
Rep. Farrell was honored to receive the 2nd Annual Scoot White Leadership Award last fall.