State Representative Lillian Ortiz-Self has been assigned to positions on theEarly Learning & Human Services Committee, the Environment Committee, and the Transportation Committee. Ortiz-Self is taking the seat vacated by Rep. Marko Liias, who moved on to the Senate to replace retired Sen. Paull Shin.
“A quality education starting at a young age is the solution to so many of the social problems we face,” said Ortiz-Self, a counselor at North Middle School, whose extensive work in numerous child service organizations has given her a deep appreciation and understanding for human services and what they can do to help families and children. “Equal opportunity at the American Dream is something I believe in very strongly and early learning programs are essential for us to help achieve that goal.”
Referring to the Environment Committee, Ortiz-Self explained that, as a mother of three, she is committed to a sustainable future not just for her kids’ sake, but for that of generations to come. “Preserving the natural beauty of our state and ensuring our air and water are pristine is entirely in our hands. We can’t simply rely on hope. It’s up to us to put responsible environmental management policies in place now.”
On her appointment to the Transportation Committee, Ortiz-Self said that transportation is a pivotal issue for the people of Snohomish County. “Economic growth in our area depends on moving people, goods, and services more efficiently. We won’t attract businesses that create family-wage jobs unless we find true solutions to our transportation problems.”
Currently, Ortiz-Self co-chairs the Legislators Educational Opportunity Gap Statewide Committee, and is a member of the Washington Commission of Hispanic Affairs, the State of Washington’s Achievement Accountability Education Workgroup, and the Discipline Task Force.
“I am honored to serve in these three House committees and I am looking forward to working on improving the lives of families in my district and across the state,” added Ortiz-Self, whose 21st Legislative District is in Snohomish County and includes Mukilteo and part of Lynnwood, Edmonds, and Everett.