That’s what experts say about sunscreen; at least every two hours, and if you are in the water, every 80 minutes. Many people use sunscreen, but don’t follow directions properly, leaving themselves at risk of sunburn and possibly skin cancer.
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. As we reported yesterday, the Department of Health says that Washington state has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the country. In fact, if Puget Sound were its own state, we would have the 4th highest skin cancer rate in the US.
Washingtonians often presume they are safe from exposure because of the clouds and rain. But that is a false sense of security. Even on a cloudy day, 80% of the sun’s UV rays make it through the atmosphere. It is especially important to avoid getting sunburned if you are a child. Ultraviolet radiation exposure as a child or teen increases your risk of melanoma by 29%.
Other risk factors include:
• Naturally paler skin complexion and/or freckles,
• Blue or green eyes,
• Blonde or red hair
• If you have a history of skin cancer in your family
• If you have a history of using indoor tanning facilities.
So, please, wear that sunscreen! Make sure it has at least an SPF of 30, is broad spectrum and water resistant.
As far as cancer causers go, the American Cancer Society places the use of indoor tanning beds in the same category as smoking cigarettes. A new law here in Washington banned the use of tanning beds for children under 18 unless they have a prescription from a doctor. We joined 39 other states that have enacted laws to protect children from indoor tanning beds.