Washington State House Democrats


When silence isn’t golden

That’s right, sometimes silence is not at all golden. Certainly not when it comes to reporting suspected abuse or neglect of children and vulnerable adults. The fact that October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month strengthens still further this emphasis upon reporting.

As is often the case, numbers tell the tale; dreadful, appalling numbers. Information from the Children’s Bureau in the Administration for Children, Youth and Families (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) should make everyone stand up and take notice. Around the country:

  • Every 10 seconds, a report of child abuse is made.
  • Every day, at least four children and sometimes as many as seven children die as a result of child abuse.
  • Every year, more than three million reports of child abuse are made for situations involving more than six million children.
  • Between seven and 10 percent of participants in recent major studieson elder abuse and neglect reported that they had been subjected to this cruelty in the previous year. Ten percent of study participants reporting it said the abuse or neglect wasn’t related to their finances.

Here are a few more informative websites:

Universal Children’s Day is November 20. Every day is the appropriate day for reporting abuse or neglect of kids and vulnerable adults.
