Washington State House Democrats


Thursday, Jan 8


Associated Press
Inslee’s pollution solution: tackle water toxics at source
Forest Service pulls protested plan to spend $10M on image
Judge: State can sue florist who shunned gay-wedding business
Emergency poultry quarantine at Tri-Cities for avian flu
GOP targets Social Security disability funding
Study: Washington death penalty cases cost $1M extra

Aberdeen Daily World
Amidst flood chaos, residents doing what they can

Bellevue Reporter
Former Starbucks chief bemoans Seattle’s $15 wage | WPC panel provides dismal outlook for small businesses

Bellingham Herald (subscription required)
Ericksen sidesteps Supreme Court to seek two-thirds vote for taxes (Ranker)
Op-ed: McCleary decision still provoking petulance
Blog: Ericksen cites climate skeptics on eve of Inslee carbon tax rollout (Ranker)

Everett Herald (subscription required)
Gov. Inslee proposes free toll lane, ferry travel for electric vehicles (Hobbs)
Inslee shifts strategy to push his big policy ideas
Op-ed: Six things the state can do to make schools better
Editorial: Act would help juvenile offenders make good (Kagi)

The Inlander
A Little More Money, A Lot More Problems (Hunter, Riccelli, Ormsby)
Ante Up (Riccelli)

Issaquah/Sammamish Reporter
Issaquah council asks state lawmakers for transportation solutions on I-90 (Mullet, Clibborn)

Kitsap Sun (subscription required)
Bainbridge pot shop controversy centers on what a park is
Hauge appointed to state Liquor Control Board

Maple Valley Reporter
Maple Valley to push for road project funding

News Tribune (subscription required)
Elway Poll shows upbeat electorate, surprising support for cap-trade tax on polluters
Editorial: Bloodbath in Paris has escalated war on free speech

Peninsula Daily News
Port Angeles City Council heading toward banning personal fireworks

Puget Sound Business Journal
Washington state senator proposes bill to prohibit dispensaries from selling pure marijuana
Inslee wants electric-car growth, proposes free toll lane and ferry trips
Washington AG claims some court wins in fight against Richland florist
The cost of changing Obamacare’s full-time worker threshold: More uninsured, bigger deficits
EPA to impose plan to cut power plant emissions on states that balk at rule

Seattle Times (subscription required)
Rasmussen says Seattle fears over Bertha tunnel are premature
UW brings $12.5 billion to local economy, study says
Washington’s preschool program has good results, low participation 
Constantine seeks 2015 levy for early-childhood programs
Editorial:  Address the substitute teacher shortage
Guest Opinion: A bipartisan approach to climate action

Skagit Valley Herald
WWU sets sail in new marine research boat
Wildlife agency urges watchers to keep distance

Spokesman Review
Men sue Washington state for prison time compensation
Will Senate require 2/3rd votes on taxes?
Liquor Board replacements nominated
Weed businesses sprouting like. . .

Tri-City Herald
Quarantine on eggs, poultry placed on Tri-Cities
State: Few young people voted in Benton and Franklin counties in 2014

Walla Walla Union Bulletin (subscription required)
Editorial – Haste short-circuits electric car program

Yakima Herald Republic
Same-sex wedding case: Flower shop owner can be sued in personal capacity


WA may soon have Silver Alert for missing elderly (Appleton)

Marijuana On The Agenda As Washington Legislature Convenes
Study: Wash. Death Penalty Cases Cost Much More Than Similar Non-Death Penalty Cases

Confused By $15 Minimum Wage? We Break It Down

NW Public Radio
Body Cameras Prompt Cops to Ask Legislature for Clarification

Q13 TV (FOX)
Inslee declares state of emergency in 9 counties following storm
Governor Inslee wants you in a new (electric) car
Judge rules against Washington florist who refused to sell flowers for same-sex wedding


Capitol Record (TVW)
Lawmakers offer preview of 2015 session at Washington Policy Center summit in Bellevue (Carlyle)
Senate Republicans propose rule change to require two-thirds majority for tax bills in chamber
Statewide recycling rates drop; new program to reduce toxic mercury in landfills
DSHS seeks legislation for mental health competency services
On ‘The Impact:’ New lawmakers in Olympia (Jayapal)

Tax reform impasse has Legislature all tied up in knots (Hunter, Carlyle)
GOP enviro chair: Gov. Inslee gunning for $4 a gallon gas

Again, Why 2/3?
The Legislative Session

Sawant Opponent Says Socialist Council Member is “Divisive” (Clibborn, Farrell)

New Report Confronts Racial Inequity in Washington State

Seattle P.I.
A sharp drop in Americans who do not have health insurance
Democrats’ bill would repair hole in women’s health coverage (Pedersen, Keiser, Frockt, Kohl-Welles, Ranker)

The Stand
Report confronts racial inequality in our state

Washington State Wire
Senate Republicans Put Full-Court Press on Inslee Spending Plans (Carlyle)
Price of Legal Pot in Washington Plunges 40% as Shortages Ease