Washington State House Democrats


What’s Hot in the House: Week 2

What’s Hot in the House: Week 2

All information subject to change

Monday, Jan. 19 @ 10 am.: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration; House Chamber


Agriculture & Natural Resources: 1/20/15 10:00 am

Public Hearing: HB 1131 – Concerning ivory and rhinoceros horn trafficking.

Appropriations: 1/19/15 3:30 pm

Work Session: Briefing on programs/funding in the Department of Social and Health Services related to mental health and substance abuse.

Capital Budget: 1/20/15 3:30 pm

Public Hearing: HB 1115 – Concerning the capital budget.

Early Learning & Human Services Jt. w/ Health Care & Wellness: 1/21/15 1:30 pm

Work Session: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Education: 1/19/15 1:30 pm

Public Hearing: HB 1031 – Expanding participation in college in the high school programs.

Education: 1/20/15 1:30 pm
Work Session: Overview of Assessments and Common Core.

Environment: 1/19/15 1:30 pm

Public Hearing: HB 1174 – Concerning flame retardants.

Finance: 1/20/15 3:30 pm

Work Session: Revenue-related components of Governor Inslee’s proposed operating budget.

Finance: 1/23/15 8:00 am

Work Session: 2015-17 financing options for the state operating budget. (Subject to change)

Gen Govt & Info Tech: 1/23/15 8:00 am

Work Session: Update on the Department of Corrections Capacity and Community Supervision Issues.

Higher Education: 1/21/15 1:30 pm

Work Session: College Affordability.
Public Safety: 1/23/15 10:00 am

Possible Executive Session:

HB 1068 – Concerning sexual assault examination kits.

HB 1021 – Creating a silver alert system.

Technology & Economic Development: 1/21/15 8:00 am

Public Hearing: HB 1093 – Concerning unmanned aircraft.

Transportation: 1/19/15 3:30 pm

Work Session: State of the State of Transportation (WSDOT).

Public Hearing: HB 1087 – Concerning automated traffic safety cameras in school speed zones.

Transportation: 1/22/15 3:30 pm

Work Session: Update on WSDOT Mega projects: SR 520 floating bridge/corridor and SR 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement.