If there are two things State Representative Larry Springer knows, it’s good wine and good public policy. And he knows that in order to make good wine, or good beer or good spirits for that matter, you must be able to taste them.
This is why Rep. Springer introduced one of the very first bills of the legislative session, HB 1004. This new legislation will allow alcohol tasting for students at colleges or universities in our state training in specifically related degree programs.
“As a local wine shop owner for almost 30 years, I know that it’s impossible to tell if a wine is good or bad without tasting it,” Rep. Springer said. “For the future sommeliers, viticulturists and brewers of our state, learning how to properly taste the potential product is essential.”
When Rep. Springer and his wife opened their wine shop in 1976 Washington had eight wineries. We now have over 850. The craft brew business has exploded too.
Springer noted, “These expansions have brought hundreds of career openings to our state. We need to make sure that young adults who want to fill these jobs, can.”
The bill had its public hearing in the Commerce and Gaming Committee last week and is waiting to be voted out to the House Floor.